Tutorial 03: Kate "Lost"

Aug 28, 2005 16:47


Quick and easy as pie tut requested by  katblah333_2000.

Program: Adobe Photshop 7
Image Heavy: Maybe a bit...
Difficulty: Easy.

We're going from this:
 to this:

1. Get your picture you want to make an icon of. I chose a pic of Kate from the new *squeals* season 2 Character Promo pics at Lost-Media. Crop it too 100x100 pixels using the crop tool:


Go 'Filter'-->'Sharpen'-->'Sharpen'. But only if your image needs it. I chose to skip this step coz the picture was already high quality. This is my base:

2. Duplicate your base 2 times. So now you should have 3 copies of your icon. Layer pallete should look like this:

Set the middle layer to screen:


And the top layer to soft light:


3. Create a new layer ['Layer'-->'New'-->'Layer'] and fill it with a really dark blue colour. I used #011637. Set the blend mode to Exclusion.


Merge Visible ['Layer'-->'Merge Visible'].

4. Duplicate your base and go:

'Image'-->'Adjustments'-->'Hue & Saturation'. This box should pop up:

In the 'Hue' option type in 50. Kate should come out all green and alien looking - scary, but don't worry we'll fix that ;)


5. Let's take our handy-dandy friend Mr. Eraser:


My settings were: Brush: 5px; Mode: Brush; Opacity: 100%. Now we're going to erase everything off Kate except for her shirt. So it should now look something like this:


Merge all layers.

6. Duplicate your base. Desaturate it ['Image'-->'Adjustments'-->'Desaturate'] and set it to 'Soft Light'.


7. Text time. I hate text. It's evil. Anyway, I went for something simple and wrote 'KATE'. Settings... Font: Garamond; Size: 10pt; Anti-aliasing: Sharp; Tracking: 600. To be able to use the tracking, highlight your text, click on this button, which is near the text toolbar at the top:

Then thing should pop up:

See the 'AV' with the <--> thing under it? Put 600 in the box. Or whatever tracking you want.


8. I thought it looked boring like that so I used the 'Rectangle Marquee Tool':

And drew a rectangle to the same size as the text on the icon. Then I filled it in with a green colour from the icon, #7F9066. Then drag the text layer on top of the rectangle.


9. I thought it was still missing something so I rotated the Text & Rectangle so it was on a rectangle. You can rotate by holding down 'Ctrl' & 'T'.


10. Finally I set the text layer to 'Soft Light' and lowered the Opacity of the rectangle to 75%.


Teh End!

- You can copy this Tut exactly
- You can take this icon
- If you do the above please credit


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kate, tutorial, lost

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