Hey Guys,
This is Mari (
dead_inside25). Yes, my acocunt has been suspended for some unfair reason, and all my posts in this community cannot be shown, of course. =/ Therefore, this community is officially closed. I dunno, maybe sometime in the future I'll re-open, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Sorry, guys. :(
I just wanted to thank you all for entering the challenges and participating. It's very much appreciated. Thank you all. <3
Stop by my new LJ (
popxwhore25) if you have any comments/questions, or post here.
P.S. You can also find me @ my three active communities:
shatteredxicons- My LJ graphics community
music_aholics- My music-sharing community with Shelley belly (my bestie)
applegatefans- My Christina Applegate community