Jul 18, 2003 13:41
Did it ever occur to those of you who are pormiscuous that you arent only disrespecting your body, but you are also disrespecting me, and any others who hold sex highly? You see as it may seem its none of my business, it becomes my business when you involve yourself in these immoral acts because when you do so you are vilifying the word sex in its own. Which involves me and the whole general public for that matter. Do you care you are disrespecting everyone? Or do you even know you are doing it? You ask how are you disrespecting those people? Well you see, since you contribute to promiscuous sex, you are making it become a normal thing with every occurance. Making it ordinary is lessning the value of the word sex, I hold sex higher, I believe its something special. Stop using it as if you own it, yes you have the right to have sex, doesnt give you the right to disrespect everyone in the process. Bastards.
Oh also, this is my reasoning behind my callousness to those of which who have said they have had promiscuous sex. You disrespect me, boy howdy im gonna disrespect you.