Aug 27, 2005 05:17
wow, k, i totally haven't put anything in here for like a week...anyways, um...this week i did, literally, the same thing every day, worked, came home, went out late, came home early.
um...monday, worked, out late with friends running around and breaking stuff, y'know, then i had one friend sleep over.
tuesday morning i went to my cousins in georgetown and i might be staying with them for a while (i get to live in georgetown, kinda excited) then tuesday night was with my friends playing baseball and tackle-capture the flag, horribly injured my knee, and then at midnight they all sang happy birthday to me in the park next to west toronto, haha.
wednesday (my birthday) was cool, my work-mates said happy birthday and what-not, and then went home for birthday dinner than out with my friends until they all went home and i stayed outside a friend's place 'til 4 in the morning with her and her brother and 2 friends, when my mom called asking my whereabouts...hah.
thursday i was up early so i had like, no sleep, and i went to the dentist and then went and got all my hair cut off, my hair! ah! but i'm used to it short now i guess...and then i went downtown to meet some friends from burlington and escort them around the city. lol, they were so amusingly not toronto material. and then once again, like every other day, work, and then out with my friends 'til super late.
friday i was up incredibly late, stumbled into work half asleep and had to ride halfway across the dam city on a flat-tired, rusty, falling apart bike...i still love it though, than AGAIN out with my friends, we rode a longboard down a really steep hill, injuring us horribly. and then i had a SUPER long conversation all night 'til about now with more friends.
and now...i have to sleep, SO i'm gonna go and read til i'm BEYOND sleepy, and i'll just kinda fall asleep right when my head hits the pillow, then i guess i'm up early, and driving to the cottage, SO i will be back in a week, and i have some stuff to do then too i guess. i must be getting my G1 and M1 licenses soon...i'm studying hard for both!
alrighty, so, goodnight all! have a good week, hope to talk to you next weekend.