- hosting SNL. XD
"if you know me at all, Sweetcheeks, it is as the curmudgeonly misanthropic doctor on House. GOSH. how did THAT come up? but the truth is, i am neither curmudgeonly or misanthropic."
"that was a shakespeare joke, and not a very good one."
"and what i mean by humour is overly elaborate puns that take you days to understand with very little pay off." - psychicly bending spoons. love his accent in this one :]
"you give me a spoon and i'll give you the world." - heyyyyy juuuuude. naaaaaa na na na na na naaaaa, na na na naaaa hey judeeeeee. - hugh's first kiss [and fry's randomly behind the couch?] - hahahahahaha i was literally laughing for ages. im still laughing. the hedge scene. XD - fry teaching piano and laurie demonstrating.
"now, play for me exactly like you made love last night." *plays really fast and ends abruptly about four bars in* - fry's game show, QI.
"are you saying... the archbishop of canterbury's left ear.. is completely decorative?" - Where Is The Lid?
"hugh! im putting it on the jar! HUGH!" - laurie demonstrates safe sex.
shoangore4 (12:55:49 PM): you and katherine like doing unsafe number three - hugh laurie the human punching bag. omg i love the very end. "OR IS IT???" - XD
"never mind the sketch, that was TOO hard." "ooooh, he's just a child, really." - the sketch of the two italian brothers was priceless, the hair and the suspenders, but it was the 6 seconds at the end that jsut killed me.
"well i'm completely mad. utterly insane. there's a whole gang of us. the other day we went to the Cinnabar. MAD." - excellent hair. EXCELLENT. - O.O ZOMG WHAT? where is this movie [girl from rio] and when are me and kg and ash going to watch it?
avisionthing11 (12:31:59 PM): my teacher i british and every time she spoke i was like "ZOMG I WONDER IF SHE KNOWS HUGH LAURIE??"
avisionthing11 (12:32:09 PM): hahaha and i couldnt keep a straight face for the whole 50 minutes.
hahahaha one track mind today i suppose? i literally have not stopped giggling since the beginning of that class. im still giggling now. holy crap i think im on drugs, but i cannot stop laughing. and my dad just called, and that was a fun conversation.