always love; hate will get you every time.

Oct 28, 2006 21:30

rocking the OTH soundtrack, you better believe it.

had a cracking headache around 4.30 for some reason. tried to tough it out, and when that failed i drew the blinds and turned off my music and tried to let it pass in the dark, and when that didnt work i took an ibuprofen. and when that didnt work i climbed into bed. slept till 8.30 and now i dont have a headache! im very pleased.

cleaning room for my girls' arrival tomorrow, so hooray!

have incredibly nice hair, im so pleased. and my other knee in my jeans ripped too, so now i going for a specific look. with these leggings to wear underneath it, i can still wear them if they're ripped. im delighted.

watched back to the future III today, and felt mildly uncomfortable with Christopher Lloyd having a love interest... it's kind of bizarre. cos he's so nuts that it's just weird him being all lovestruck and kissing pretty girls. hahaha i feel horrible for thinking that, cos i love and adore christopher llyod and im sure he's a lovely person to kiss. but man does it make me uncomfortable to watch. michael was darling as usual. i liked it when he was like "great scott!" and doc goes "this is heavy."

haha role reversal. anyway. some girl in nikki's res has one tree hill season dvds, so im totally her new friend. hooray for that. im sad i've gone through all the back to the future dvds now, they made me miss my daddy cos i rememeber watching them with him. i know that we never made it a huge tradition or something, but whenever i see then i'm always eight years old again and watching the second one with my dad on the couch. or im sixteen and he's flipping through channels at night and finds it playing and we watch the last half of it before going to bed.

im going to play the mediacentre shuffle. huzzah.

comment me the names of the songs and the artists if you know 'em.

just do it, i love these things.

1. "I'm just consistantly inconsistant"

2. "but don't you know that only fools are satisfied?"

3. "but we're all happy cause the streets they're always there for us"

4. "always love, hate will get you every time."

5. "always slightly clever to just a certain extent."

6. "how do you measure, measure a year?"

7. "im on my feet im on the floor im good to go. all i need is just to hear a song i know."

8. "your favourite fruit is chocolate-covered cherries and seedless watermelons"

9. "her parents through big parties; everyone was there. they hung out with folks like dennis hopper, bob seeger, sonny and cher."

10. "a-combing her long yellow hair, when who did she spy but sweet william and his bride."

11. "32 softly focused, brightly coloured eyes staring at the natural tan of 32 gently clenching wrinkled little hands."

12. "don't you fret, monseiur marius, i dont feel any pain."

13. "our youth is fleeting, old age is just around the bend."

14. "from the day we arrive on the planet, and blinking step into the sun..."

15. "your kisses ring round and round and round my head."

16. "you can stand me up at the gates of hell but i wont back down."

17. "and an airplane's faster than a caddilac, and a whole lot smoother than a camel's back but i dont care how you get to me, just get to me"

18. "before the gleam of your tail light's fading beams to find yourself a better life."

19. "my pulse is rushing, my head is reeling, my face is flushing..."

20. "even landlocked lovers yearn for the sea like navy men."

21. "all my sorrow all my rage, teardrop falls on every page."

22. "and it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time."

23. "why couldnt you have stayed calm for once, instead of flying off the handle?"

24. "i wanna tell her that i love her but the point is probably moot."

25. "the smell of hospitals in winter and the feeling that it's all a lot of oysters and no pearls."

26. "she fills up every corner like she's born in black and white."

27. "came in clsoe i heard a voice. standing, stretching every nerve, had too listen had no choice. i did not believe the information, i jsut had to trust imagination, my heart going boom boom boom..."

28. "im okay, im alright, though you have gone, from this life you said that it would so everything should be alright."

29. "it may be years until the day my dreams will match up with my pay."

30. "i wont always love these selfish things, i wont always live not stopping."

i'd love to go on, but im sure everyone's bored already and i really like this last song so i want to listen to it for a while! and it's seven minutes so im not putting the whole game on hold.

woah, someone jsut ran down our hallways blowing the rape whistle. and emily's pissed. ooooops. too bad we get fined for blowing the rape whistle if we're not being raped. and it's freaking loud and obnoxious.

last night around 5.45 when i was trying to get to sleep, coming home from nikki's these two guys were banging on trish's door for ages. and playing loud music. so i went out in my pajamas and was like "SERIOUSLY? what the hell. it's 5.45 in the morning. go home." and this guy was like "im real sorry, sorry, im just looking for my friend trish." and i was like "Well, again. it's 5.45. and if she hasnt come to the door after you pounding on it for ten minutes, i HIGHLY DOUBT SHE'S GONNA." and he was like "okay, okay yeah okay, sorry, okay bye." and they left. i went to sleep.

lunch tomorrow with nikki and my girls. we're going to the terrace, im excited. im way excited. and it's supposed to snow tomorrow? not so exciting.

'joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me."

katherine, ross is an amusing conversationalist in the place of you.

did someone call? i missed three phone calls and one person buzzing up, i think? i dont know. i was sleeping and didnt wanna get up to get the phone. bleh im so lazy.

p.s. in shlove with michael j fox. in case anyone missed that recently. LOVE my new icon, hooray.


i was in tears. im still in tears. he's got so much grace and he's so... it's not fair. it's not fair that these diseases exist to take time away from the lives of people. it amazes me how he considers all this and is so completely full of grace and understanding and just, he's a great man. he's a great person and it's not fair. he's an amazing person and i definitely look up to him as someone to admire, and one day i hope to have half his class and sincerity.

headache, back to the future, residence, family, michael j fox, music, university

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