john, i wanted to call you just now, but i'll write this instead since you're in The Canada. why is it that sometimes when i use Bit Coemt it downloads at an average of, oh, 20 kb/s (and, thus, takes hours for one episode...) and when i just did another one it went at over 200 kb/s and took twenty minutes? i looked all around for a minimum speed setting, and i cant find one, and i have NO clue as to why it varies so so much.. p.s. i watched episode 20 raw, since it's not subbed yet. heeeeeee.
/end geekiness.
room is bare. bags are packed. life = insignificant enough to fit into two small bags. how alarming. had a panic attack last night, when i threw out a whole bunch of stuff that has always meant a lot to me but, when it came down to it, i would never use or see again anyway. moms already making plans for the room, she told me shes gonna take out the bed and some shelves and the lights and make it a guest bedroom. "which you, of course, as a guest, will stay in when you're here." oh, geee. that makes me feel warm. haha oh well. new part of my life, right? the four (4) johnny depp posters are alllll rolled up, and shit i should have waited until john got back with my OURAN POSTER (omfg squeeeee?) to roll that up with them. oh well. i'll roll it around the outside and it won't be harmed. my doll has her space reserved in the bigger bag, but she's still sleeping wit me for the time being.
haha katherine's favouritie picture of my doll. taken from behind her head. she's terrified of her, but i adore the thing. i cant sleep without it. :DDDD im such a baby.
in other john-related questions: my laptop is making me upset. it wont let me do lj-cuts... no matter what. when i press the button, my system info bar pops down and says it's just blocked a pop-up. so i press it again while holding ctrl because that bypasses the pop-up blocker. no dice. so i allow all pop-ups for any spot on livejournal, and still no dice. it's annoying. some things i like to be put behind a cut and i CANT. FIGURE. IT. OUT. /end rant. please aid me.
i tried to watch The Passion, but i couldnt. toooooo much for me. got about 50 minutes into it, cringing and wincing, and then the soliders were all "CRUCIFY HIM!!" and i thought "oh, hell." and so i turned it off.
katherine - we need dinner on sunday. you and me. (+ my family....) cos you leave early monday. i told my dad you were coming over for chicken wings on sunday and he goes "well, i dont know if i got enough for katherine. we only have ten pounds, and i know that wont feed her." and i laughed. hysterically. he likes you.
john - we need monday to be together. the end, kthnxbye.
i fly out at 8 am on tuesday. with the whole "three hour before" thing, we need to be there at five, which means leaving at four... but since i get cranky in lines, and i'd like to just speed through security, we're leaving around... 3.15. wheeeeee that is far too early.
they make you take out your laptop and turn it on at security, dont they? balls. thats annoying, considering my pocket in my bag for my laptop is about a half an inch too small length wise, so it takes a good five minutes to wheedling to get the thing in. and another three minutes to get it out. ah, well. must remember: no water, no gel, no toothpaste, no anything. i'll have to take my deoderant and body spray outta my purse before i go on, heaven forbid i attempt to set them off with my cell phone. which i wont have anymore. after monday, my number wont work anymore. it'll be three weeks before i get a new one. internet will be my only means of communication. hoooray. /not.
i have to go unplug all my stuff in my room. lamp, clock, computer... it's looking quite barren, and it's slowly becoming thrilling, not just terrifying.
hooray for a change that i definitely needed/am reluctant to accept, though.
i non-verbally communicated to my mother to suck it up. i think it worked, we're on fine terms again. all it took was a brief cold shoulder and pitying glances last night from me, and then me acting like nothing happened this morning and being all happy. she looked chagrined this morning, but now we're fine.
huzzah for emotional advancement.