karma police...

Oct 12, 2007 13:36

So today I saw something that made me really believe in karma. I had always thought that it was just something stupid that people say when they're upset... but apparently what goes around, comes around.. and it really does come back to get ya.

SO maybe you should never be a bitch to someone when they need you the most... because then you'll eventually end up in their position, and it's not too pretty. Actually it sucks, and I don't even feel bad for you.... at all.

Life is so much better for me now and I'm so thankful for everything. I'm so glad that I came to Penn State. It's amazing. Words can't even describe how great it is here. I know it sounds dumb, but it's such an awesome place.

I'm so glad that I have such a wonderful roommate as well. And we have such a huge apartment and it's so much fun.

I'm so glad that I have an amazing boyfriend, and even though he's miles away, I'm ok with it. I know eventually we'll get married and I'm not worried at all.

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