Dec 05, 2005 19:02
+Chelsea made me a "Frisky for Finnigan" tshirt that I have to remember to wear tomorrow.
+I'm seeing about dropping Psych for Drawing next semester.
+I've still yet to fully come down from the high I got from watching Dead Poet's Society. (Meaning, I'm still quite full of hope for the world and that some cute guy will bring flowers and a poem to me someday in effort to win me over.)
+I finished my math homework for tomorrow today in class.
+Molly ran up to me in the halls today and gave me a big hug. It really made all the difference. I miss her already.
+I'm really beginning to see the effects of Theatre; I'm more confident that I've ever been in my whole life.
+I've been working on building stronger relationships with people I feel I'd like to know better instead of just wishing I could be closer to them.
Not-so Pluses
-I've yet to finish this one lab that was due two weeks ago.
-I need to finish my applications.
-Things are starting to get boring again, something needs to spice itself up before I make the mistake of trying to do it on my own.
-There were a few days where I didn't eat much, and now it's difficult for me to eat much of anything without feeling sick. My stomach hurts a whole lot.
-The Wiz is over.
-I hardly slept last night.
All things considered, I'm feeling alright.