Oct 04, 2006 14:15
I was talking to my good friend Andrew yesterday, when the subject of the government came up. Usually, I won't discuss stuff like that with my friends because let's face it...we're all hotheads and we'd end up punching each other's lights out. But since it was over the phone and he is already slightly infatuated with me ( and the fact the he brought it up, so if we ended up fighting I technically couldn't be blamed for the blow up) I figured it would be safe.
He's saying something about the concept of a democracy going out the window, and how the country is too big to be a proper representative democracy...at the end of his long speech I say, much to my surprise: "I vote for anarchy!"
The sad part is not that I said it, the sad part is that I was only halfway joking. I don't want to blame high school government class because really, you usually don't learn the real story there, but I had Mr. Parviainen and he didn't mess around. Everytime he would give a lecture I would find myself getting heated...especially in relation to the politicians themselves. We really trust these people to run things? Give me freakin' break.
Andrew laughed. Not maliciously, of course. But he laughed.
"What the hell are you laughing at?" I ask.
"Oh, nothing. It's just not logical, your plan for anarchy."
Isn't it? I mean, couldn't we pull it off. If everyone in the U.S. decided that they weren't going to put up with the shit anymore, couldn't we? Or at least have a little more say than we do? Yeah, there's alot of people here and it'd take a while to get everyone rallied together but couldn't we do it?
I have often thought the same thing of Cuba, which is smaller and has less people and would be alot easier to mobilize. Can't they all just...I dunno. Kick Castro's ass? Something!
Rather than say this, I come back with a slightly humorous retort:
"Oh, right. Next you'll tell me that my plan to get a county job and fuck the system from the inside out is also not logical. Pfft."
...and that is why I'll always just be a funny girl instead of a politician.