(no subject)

Mar 24, 2005 12:31

Age: 18
Status: In a relationship
Location: Garden City Michigan
Skills/Talents: I was on color/winterguard for 4yrs in highschool. I can dance, and play the panio. I am a people person. I talk a lot.
Sexuality: Straight

Opinions. Pick ten
Abortion: I am Pro Choice...I dont think that it should be used as a form of birth control. If everyone who wasnt ready for a baby killed it, half of america would not be here. I think if it envolved rape or something that was life threating then I could see that too.
Teen pregnancy: Teen pregnancy is higher then it has ever been and I think its because teens are feeling the need to be loved. I dont really have an opinion on this. I know I was for awhile there almost a teen mom and something happen but It didnt happen and it scared the shit out of me. I dont know what I would have done.
Rape: Rape is a very strong subject. One of my really close friends was raped by her own father. She had a hard time dealing with it and to this day she still sorda does. I think that its totally wrong and if the men or women that do it to people could be put through what they put the other person through then they would know that its not anything fun.
Gay Marriage: I have nothing againts gay marriage, even though my whole life Ive been rasied to beleive that its wrong, I really dont see anything wrong with it. If you love the person then why should you be stopped from showing your love?
Suicide: Ive never thought about Suicide, but I mean there are people out there that think its the only way out and its not. Its a permint soulution to a sovleable problem. I think teens now adays need to stop being so mean to there peers. Especially with the internet now a days. You could pick on someone and they never have to know who you are. I was reading in People the other day about this 14 yr old who killed himself because of online bullying. Its wrong and people need to stop picking on other people.
War: War is a part of life. Its in the bible.
George Bush: I will be honest. I voted for him, but thats only because I didnt like Kerry. I dont know about anything anymore. All I say is accept that hes in office and support him. Theres nothing we can do about it now. I feel there could be someone better but we cant change that now.
Death penalty: An eye for and eye....I really think that this is a good thing. If you kill someone you should be killed too. I mean there should be a great amount of evidence and stuff that proves it first.
Drugs: Considering that some of my friends use them and I see what it does to them I would never in a million years think about doing them. I also think that sometimes people use them to escape there problemss when really there is better ways.
Eating disorders: In society now a days its drilled into peoples head that you have to be a size 0 to be normal and you dont. I feel that to many girls look at the models and feel they have to be like them. They are computer edited. If you eat right and exercise you could be an okay weight. The average size body is 36,24,36. the average pants size is like a 8.

Band/Music Artist: I have so many fav bands and artist...Modest Mouse, My Chemical Romance, NFG, FOB, Kelly Clarkson, From First to Last, A Static Lulaby, Story of the Year, Sugercult, Joss Stone, Jo Jo, 50 cent, Hawthorn Heights, Coheed and Cambra, and so many more
Song: Outside... by Modest Mouse and I'm Not Okay(I Promise) by My Chemical Romance
Music genre: Rock/Puk/Emo
Book: The Gardian
TV show: Anything on MTV or TLC
Movie: Saw, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Phantom of the Opera,
Color: Hot Pink and Black
Quote: I would rather be hated for the person I am, then be loved for the person Im not.

Other stuff
Why do you think you should be accepted? I think that I would bring good honesty to rating people in this community. I can be very blunt sometimes but I know where to draw the line
Who’s you’re role model and why? My dad is my role model because he just lives life like it should be lived. He wakes up every morning with a smile on his face and excited for what the day is going to bring. He has always accomplished everything he put his mind to and hes told me I can do the same. Hes always been there for me and I love him to death.
Half empty or half full? Half Full...thats funny because we were talking about this is my Human Relations class last night. Most people see it as half empty. My friend always says well it depends on if you drank some of it or you only filled it half way.
What song desrcribes you most and why? I would say that Avirl Lavine-I'll always be there describes me the most because its a song shes singing to her friends about how she will always be there and my friends are my life i would bend over backward for them in a minute and they know that.
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? I would have to say my hair. I love how thick and heavy it is.
What`s your least favorite thing about yourself? My eyes...I dont like brown
Make us laugh! There once was a 5yr old and a 3 yr old playing in there room and there mom called them down for breakfast and the 5yr old said to the 3 yr old "lets piss mom off today by swearing" the 3 yr old said "okay" Well the 5 yr old said I'll say fuck and you say ass. The 3 yr old nodded in aproval. So they walk into the kichen and sit down and the mom says to the 5 yr old "what would you like for breakfast?" The 5 yr old said "I want some fucking pancakes" The mom turned to him and said " Get to your room now and dont come out till I tell you too." Now irretated the mom tryed to calm down and turned to the 3yr old and said "now what would you like?" The 3yr old not sure what he should say said" What ever your fat ass wants to give me, but i know I dont want no fucking pancakes."
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