Me my family and my best friend corrine went to Atlantic City this weekend... These are our pictures.
Some pictures were by me, some by Corrine. She took all the smaller ones.
On the way there, Samantha showed us how she is all class.
We got this awesome Batman toy candy thing.
Okay, so we didn't have the greatest view... BUT THERE WAS A BLIMP, guys. I love blimps.
Finally, a hat that fits me.
The REAL golden ticken, guys. To see Batman in imaxxxxx.
SEE? Told you!.
There was Starbucks and therefore peace in the jungle.
Yea, mothuh fucca.
None of that Hotel Bathroom-made crap!
We totally didn't plan to bring green and blue pajamas.
We're mature.
I like cameras. (And can't think of anything to say about this picture, except for the fact I think it looks cool.)
Our pajamas rocked.
She jumped out of the picture.
ACTUALLY, I cut her out.
Socks rule, I don't know about you, but I love socks.
She liked the elevator.
The Hotel was saving that for when I'm famous and can afford that Diet Coke hangbag.
A few pictures in the hotel Tatooine.
Today we headed on down to Jenkinsons...
Went on the Hemalaya...... BTW, I almost got sick on this and the Tilt a whirl. Uhm. I don't understand.
"It says DICK really big." - Corrine.
YOU READ IT RIGHT. I didn't apparently, cos I lost....
Because skylines rock.