Hello all! I'm going to change/add a rule so I'm giving you the heads up here because I doubt people already friended will check the info
The lovely
abstruse_soul let me know that my
Truth About Girls set was reposted on
this girl's Xanga. It sucks because there is a ton of other awesome icons on there that really really really deserve some sort of credit. Its one of the many reasons I hate Xanga because half of everyone on there iS LyK 13 aNd LyK LuVZ To tYpE LyK DiS OmFg haHaHa! Drives. Me. Up. The. Wall.
So my icons are are now for Livejournal use ONLY. Sorry if you are using them for other sites, but I would really appreciate if you wouldn't. ♥
I'm officially awesome now, people want my shit! XD
EDIT: I found her LJ and I left her a comment, so until I hear back from her, (although I'm flattered that you guys have my back lol) don't flame her too bad. I asked her to stop posting others people stuff and stick with her own stuff (dude, her own stuff isn't even bad). If she totally blows me off, I'll let you know and then you can have fun, but until then, nothing too bad. ::wink::