It's so...quiet lately.

Jan 10, 2006 16:01

It's odd. It's quiet, but in such a different way. There seems to be no energy whatsoever around school.

Why is it THIS bad? Surely some people should be in a good mood. I mean, I know some people like school...

I'm really getting concerned with everyone now. Are some of you sure you'll be alright? Susan? Hermione? Ron? I mean, I'm not trying to get into your problems, I'm just worried. And concerned.

But then, surprisingly studying has never been easier.

Also, yes, Ron I changed my hair. Well, not drastically, it's just not that straight as it used to be (I changed it at the Christmas Ball, and well, I liked it). I'm also not putting my hair in pigtails every single day. Just once in a while. Besides, it's refreshing to leave my hair down these days.

*sigh* Valentine's Day is coming up. Well, in a bit. I really, sincerely hope there won't be a Ball. I don't think it would do much good, as much as I want it to.

I would like a visit to Hogsmeade,though.

I'm off to the library. I'll see some of you there, I hope.
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