Confusion and Happiness

May 18, 2006 22:28

So after I broke up with my boyfriend, a lot of my so-called friends decided to turn against me. Why? Well that's what I really don't understand. Because me breaking up with James was my choice. And if they were my real friends, really, then they would have never judged my decision. But after I broke up with him they all decide to pick at every single tihng I do. This is too mean towards James. That's not right. Etc, etc, the list goes on. So basically I'm getting shit for breaking up with my boyfriend when it's none of their business to begin with. It's my relationship, it's between two people. And it was basically mutual. We both agreed to break up, he was just more hurt than I. So with that, I've lost about 5 so called friends, that I've been told never liked me anyways. So what did I really lose? Not much. Unless you count stupid people like that. I'm the bad person when one of the people telling me this has cheated on her boyfriends

Life's great when everything turns out ok for all the right reasons. That's my new saying and it's so true. My ex-boyfriend now has a girlfriend, Jennifer, whom he really likes and hopefully likes him back. I have a new boyfriend whom I really like and we're crazy about eachother. So even with everything working out ok, why do people still have such a huge problem with us breaking up when it isn't their life and it wasn't up to them what we do? I honestly don't know, but they sure as hell aren't going to take away our happiness. We're four in the same now: Me, JJ (My boyfriend), James & Jennifer. We can double-date and hang out together, and we can just flat-out be happy. Even if it meant losing friends.  multiple times? This really is a crazy world full of idiots.

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