NaNoWriMo Week 1

Nov 06, 2009 02:53

So far, so good. I've gotten into a small funk about the state of my story, though--the usual stuff, like "this isn't good enough and neither am I," etc. Brianna tells me to push ahead, which I agree with, but already I'm starting to hate it in little ways, like how I keep not giving my two main characters personalities and things like that.

So, I mean, we'll see. I definitely enjoy the world I've made, and even the parts I know I need to fix. (For example, magic is not this shiny thing that people can obtain or manipulate. Magic manipulates the people who think they are using it in subtle, strange ways, often driving them mad with power or simply mad. It takes someone very powerful or very weak to have magic do what they want it to, which sometimes even then backfires in gigantic explosions.)

NaNo is kind of like a gun I hold to my muse's head.

...Yes, I might be effectively mugging my creativity, but who the fuck cares.

Things I Need to Do:
My primary protagonist needs to take an active role in what's being done to her. Hopefully this will happen during edits, when her personality should shine through. I have an idea of how to make this happen, but for now I'm not too sure.

Fitz, my main character's "guide" in this freaky world, needs to be more of an asshole. He fucked up and it got innocent people hurt, and he should be pissed at himself and taking it out on others. He's chivalrous, but only to a point, and doing what he did caused him some amount of anguish. He's trying to make it up by taking care of my primary protagonist, Camilla, who I think should be a college student instead.

More plot equals more delicious problems. Yay!

Ways to fix these things, and fix them soon, before I get too aggravated.


the astonishing adventures of me, nanowrimo09, writing

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