Game Ideas for Next Year

Feb 23, 2009 08:52

-Adventure! Villains (Nicolai is already filling one of the spots--he was one of the first people I told about it and the first person who I've talked with about his character)

-Changeling: The Far East

-Changeling: The Middle East (plus India?)

The Changeling games would involve me choosing one, and over the summer I would have to compile a list of kiths or put where certain myths go--like the djinn could be a fire elemental, etc, and say what the Hedge looked like. Also I'd like to get a book of Orientalist paintings, because while that stuff was romantic and not very accurate, it's perfect for setting the mood. Right now I'm leaning towards the Middle Eastern one, because I can tie in the current war in Iraq rather nicely.

Other games to come as I remember them.

the astonishing adventures of me, a spot of show

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