Nov 14, 2006 10:57
welp. after all this time and all this drama and after about a year and a and rich are offically.. back together he asked me back out last night around midnight. it was cute. definitely reminded me of the first time he asked me out and it actually brought butterflies to my stomach again. in the asking out process he told me he loves me very much and he wants me to be his girlfriend and that this time is the real deal and no more bs. (he made this point very clear, he even stated it a couple times) That it is just "gigi and stinky" ::smiles:: he's cute. i know people probably think i'm stupid or that things are fucked up between me and him. but i know he loves me. and how could i pass up a chance to be with the one i love and that loves me just as much, if not more. I think in the beginning me and him rush into things.. we both loved each other very much but neither of us was ready for the things we felt for each other or for how strong it really was... So things kinda fell apart and we pushed each other away in every way possible. but i think things have been much better lately.. i can gladly say that my trust for him is back. and i think we have both grown a lot and grown a lot with each other and become much more close than we ever have been. i love this boy so much.. it's unreal. welp. i got my baby back : ) and i'm happy. don't get me wrong tho.. i am not completely getting my hopes up quite yet becuz we know when i do that.. i'm prone to let down. so i am taking this one day at a time. becuz it only has been like 9 hours... but i dont think he would have asked me to be his girlfriend if he wasnt really ready for it. and i figure... what do i really have to lose? of course i wanna be with him becuz i love him..but it's hard after everything that has happened. but i figure if i say no.. that i will never know what could have happened. and if i say yes and things fall apart again.. ill just be back to where i was. but this definitely makes me more at ease now... i just wish he was here right now.. ive had the chills pretty bad for a couple days now and icant sleep well.. blah. but i guess it's time to try to sleep for a few more hours.