Jul 23, 2006 21:13
So these past few days have pretty much sucked
Well last week actually
On Tuesday I was off of work and Anthony and I went to a resturant called Spoons (Its in Cerritos, never go there!)
I had salmon for lunch, it was yummy (indeed, im not going to lie)
Wednesday I was off and I started to feel a little yucky, but Wednesday night is when I was just straight up sick
Thursday I had this huge manager conference I had to go too
Granted I could have missed it, but I didn't want too, good thing, there was tons of information.
I had to get up a million times durning the meeting, but toughed it out non the less.
That night I went home and seriously thought I was going to die
My stomach hurt soooooooo bad!
I called and let my manager know that I was going to try to get my shift covered for Friday (I was suppose to work all day)
Of course I couldn't get it covered
So I had to go in on Friday morning at 645am
I was there for an hour before I got my shift covered and I went to the bathroom about 5 times
Fucking shit it wouldn't stop.
So after I left work, I went to the hospital
Its a lot for me to go to the hospital, but I just didn't want to feel sick anymore.
I was there alllllll fucking day
Like literally, 9am to 9pm
They told me that I had an intestinal infection
Because of food poisoning
Btw I know it was there, because thats the only thing I ate that Anthony didn't.
I got medcine and they told me not to work on Saturday
Smart move considering, even after I left the hospital, I didn't feel any better.
I again tried to get my shift covered
And couldn't
So for the first time in years
I called in
I felt like shit and couldn't leave the bathroom, but I still felt bad
I rested yesterday and after taking some meds I felt a bit better
Of course I felt so bad about Saturday that I had to work this morning
Went to the bathroom a million times today
I have to open again tomorrow morning, but then im off for 2 days
I think I'm going to go back to the doctor.
I really can't go on feeling like shit
Can't keep anything in me
And its been almost a week.
I'll live
Just sucks
Oh and they found another cyst too
Just great