Friends Only

Jun 13, 2004 03:39

You knew it was coming. You knew it.

Friends Only.

Add Me


There are a few rules.

1. No emoness. I want to know about your life, but I don't want to have to constantly read about how everyone hates you and you cut yourself.

2. Speaking of being emo, my journal usually isn't. Well I don't plan for it to be. I'm going to try and make it interesting for you guys, so that you will comment. Any rants or uninteresting life details will kindly be placed behind a cut. Yes, bow to me.

3. Speaking of comments, I want them. I give them, I want them in return. I'm stealing Kim's idea and putting something at the bottom of [almost] every entry for the reader to comment on.

I think thats about it. So anyways, if you can deal with those easy rules, and you've added me, then comment here and I'll add you back.
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