Dec 25, 2005 23:27
I hope everone had a lovely Christmas!
I'm not going to be retarded & list everything I got, but here are some of my favorites.
+ year subcription to Vogue
+ Fall of Troy's Doppelganger, Fear Before's Odd How People Shake, Elliott Smith's Either/Or. [I already have this on vinyl, but whatevs.]
+ Dior Golden Wishes set. [perfume, lotion, & body wash of my favorite Dior scent, J'adore.]
+ Cute lil' Dior purse, too!
& I guess my ibook counts too, but I got that weeks ago. So, okay.
& I ordered the Jonbenet's ep, The Plot Thickens, so that should get here soon. MMMM.
I have a limited break this year, but I'm going to make the best of it. :]