Jun 29, 2004 07:07
So, everything is right in the world...except, ugh! I have to get out of my JOB! They're not paying me! The church isn't paying me for babysitting their kids. xD What an evil church...I deserve my cheaply earned $30 bucks.
Other than the fact that I was peeved with the church on Sunday, Dad invited Jill over this Wednesday just, out of nowhere, when she bummed a ride with us. xD SAM WAS FURIOUS when I told her. Why? Well...
Sam and me both are...pretty flamboyant. xD We enjoy being a bit loud, (as you can see between us) and well, Jill is very quiet. It's not her fault. She grew up on a farm, her parents are two steps ahead to being Amish... Well, she lives a very unruffled life. If Jill comes over her, she's a bit clingy, and it's no fun deciding what we should do ALL THE TIME.
Fortunately, we're going to let her over after convincing Sam it was okay, but she's not sleeping over. But...we are going to see...
SPIDER-MAN II!!1!1!11!1!1one
...Yes, I believe Spidey deserves a big opening. Hopefully Jill will be able to tolerate our girlish notions of romance. (AKA: Sam and myself whispering between each other how great each guy is. Harry for Sam, Peter for me...)