Jun 26, 2004 19:04
So, uh, does anyone remember my bird, Lonn? You know the one that I saw outside a few times and he use to be perched up on the fence and sing? Yeah. He died. xD Apparently his uh, stubborn ways of not flying that I recall were actually because he was injured in the wing. Hmm. That's almost as ironic as it is as sad. xD!
Got to see 'Dodgeball' today. It's...great. I don't care what U.S.A. Today says, it was great. I love Ben Stiller and his work. Plus, Vince Vaughn was awesome in it and he'll probably be a new favorite to my actor list.
Currently, I have $97 bucks in my guitar fund! xD All right!! Now I need just $103, and I'll be set. I saw the most awesome guitar at Media Play today. It was an acoustic guitar shaped like a heart with red and white paint. It looked like something straight out of the 50s, and yes, it was great.
I really am looking forward to buying my guitar with my own earned money, let me tell you. xD
98% of the teenage population does/has tried pot. If you're part of the 2% who hasn't, copy this in your journal.