Oct 05, 2004 18:50
I begged my mom on the phone for a bunny. The orange one at the pet store just stole my heart. I told her that if she didn't let me buy a bunny with my birthday money I would just spend it on cocaine and that would have to be okay. I bought a few treats for my dog, and when my mom came to pick up Nicole and I, I pretend like there was a bunny in there. She believed me, too. She can be so dense. If I bought a bunny, I would not have it in a small paper bag.
I had an insane dream last night. A bottle of cheap wine was trying to kill me. Then it turned into an avacado, so I put it in the garbage disposal. A bunch of green ants cralled out from the sink onto the wall and spelled "I'm going to kill you." The second part of my dream was at a carnival with Mike. He made fun of Fat Boy (my cat) because he was gray and orange. Then he got naked with my cat. And we sat under a huge slide. My brother was wearing some of my old clothes, so Mike made fun of him for that.
Snaps for 4 day weekends. I've got an open schedule except for Thursday night/Friday morning and Sunday night. So anyone want to book me?
Girl: "Can I use your calculator?"
Me: "What for?"
Girl: "To figure out 220-15."
*I give her the calculator--she gets the wrong answer*
Girl: "Oh damn, he musta had a sugar heart attack."
Girl: "What's the POINT of this movie?"
(It was a documentary about annorexia...)
Girl: "I think I got a C.."
Me: "What was your score?"
Girl: "20/50"
Me: "Uh. Yeah. You failed badly."
*Girl gets very angry.*
This is the girl who sits next to me in health. Ashley and I are very amused by her stupidity.
Woooo 1 week! Not bad..