(no subject)

Aug 25, 2007 21:06

I managed to go the entire summer without seeing anyone. Although I did sell Mara's mom a plane ticket to St. Pete. I planned on having a big thing once we finally moved out of the apt and were settled into the house but we ended up taking the entire summer to move. And we just found out we are living next to an illegal halfway house. A drunk 14 year old threw pink paint on our porch.

The day we went to sign our lease Zach's mom found out she got a job in Cincinnati. She was supposed to have two weeks to pack up and move there but they changed it to three so last weekend we went to look for a house for her. We found a really fucking nice apt right outside the city, her rent is more than I made working last year. And she will be a buyer and furniture designer for a really cool company. While we were there we decided to visit University of Cincinnati and the Art Institute. We talked to some people about jobs and now it looks like Zach and I will be moving there also in a few months. I'm going to apply to UC for Industrial Design. I was kidding myself with the whole nursing thing. I don't care enough about other people to be a nurse. So Zach's mom will be moving this weekend and Zach will move soon after and I should be there by January. I think I will miss High Point a little. But Cincinnati is better for sure. And we checked out cool loft apts in the middle of the city. I have pictures somewhere around here.

I still have boxes packed up but I don't think it's even worth unpacking again. Jennifer is keeping her house in High Point so we have a place to stay for Market and when we visit and she went ahead and paid her mortgage through January. So we are going to move there now and break our lease. I love this house though. And I have only lived here a month.

Also, someone stole my bird. She was a feisty little bitch but I loved her. Someone stole her right off Jennifer's porch while we were in Ohio. Broke my fucking heart.

Does anyone need a job for a week in October? $125 a day during Market in HP, I need someone to help me with shit.
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