really love this fucking layout. lol
And I found out (dawned on me at work at some pt - HA!) that to even up the space on both sides of my header, I had to set my icon as "no default".
Sort of :( since I enjoy having my spiffy (if not gay) pieces to spread around.
But this is better. :)
Man I fucking love this layout!!!
Just an announcement:If any of you lovelies of mine have me down as a friend by way of any of the ageplay communities I "lurk" thru, all related material will be at
__smudged from now on.
That doesn't mean you have to unfriend me here, of course. ;) But I will be switching all memberships over to that name so keep on the look out.
I have the urge to make coffee, smoke a ton of cigarettes, and rework the layout for
***Have I ever told you how much I love that SN?!
Then again, I'm inspired in my way to write and write for an x.post on communities, my journals, etc.
I'll see after a cigarette.
/// note: there is no way to make x.post to look cool.
I'm semi-in the mood to paint my toenails.
A part of me wants to go the oh so classically nymphetique red while some other part of me wants to go super deep burgandy.
***What do you suggest?
I am seriously boring right now. Seriously.
And I don't think I could write a story that would be of the personal fantasy variety and have "me" calling my man "Daddy" even if I thought of him in that way. How odd.
I have to say this (and if any one finds offense with it, bite me):
I hate how alot of the layour makers on this site fucking blow more dick than Heather Hunter. There are a good few out there who I've learned from. Hell, I still use bits and pieces of coding from a layout I got from
worldcure, but it's all a learning process so I'm not shamed. I'm averagely masterful in my crafts. (I can say in my defense that my style is of the simplistic elegance/grunge/nouveau modern subgenre.) While I don't expect these girls to sit in front of their computers with photoshop, 2 wordpad docs, 3 notepad docs, color cop, and a testing journal open for 3 hrs (as I do), I don't think it's too much to ask of a designer to (a) make sure their design is aligned/color matched correctly and (b) to not just stick a skewed (and CRAPPY *ahem* horridly mediocre ) graphic in the top center of the page and call it a layout. That takes advantage of the name, man. When I know many ppl will sit there and code layouts for probably the same amount of time and have it look fucking awesome, it does raise the bar. In other words: DO NOT FUCKING MAKE LAYOUTS IF YOU SUCK. [/the end]
PS: This goes for website designers as well. [/fuckers]
Oh I saw the best boy at work today. I want to lie to myself and say that I piqued some sort of something in him, but I won't because I'm not that fanciful, but he was the cutest. He was tall... and had the best blue eyes... and he was the perfect size and I liked his arms. He had the laid back aura that just called out to me. I love a man who can wear his favorite old jeans, a shirt with beige and grey paint stains all over it, and some funky turned backwards hat and still make me go girly giggly. Men who look like they just rolled out of the house only to squelch their McDonald's jones makes me feel all warm. I wish I would have had the balls to say something good to him. Or at least get his name.
Whether the scent be of the "I only smell of man and soap" type or a delicious cologne that lingers even after they've left, a man must smell good. They must always have clean hair. Hair products are ok unless they only mask the fact that they haven't bathed in 3 days. (Same for a bottled fragrance.) I don't mean I want the man so groomed and perfumed that they seem girlier than me, but hygeine is the key. Who wants to get all up on someone who radiates dirt? And always make sure your cock, balls, and ass are smelling good. I don't want to blow a field of flippin' roses, but come on now - I don't want to be reminded of a drainage pipe when I'm face to shaft when the time arrises. Also - while it may seem "sexy" or "naughty" to go out in public with my juices still on your manhood and thighs, it isn't. After a while, you just begin to smell like ass.
Wow... I've written alot.
Maybe I'll write something cool now. LOL.