and your addicted to the drug of lust <3

Apr 16, 2005 23:41

K again, decided to delete all the entries. Cause I'm pretty much sweet like that.

Well today I woke up at 10 today. and I layed around until Kelsey called me at like 11, and she got here around.. 11:15. and I'd say we had some fun, called Mike like 235983250328 times. It was probably getting annoying to him, it kinda was for me too. but all around it was all just fun. Kelsey saying "dude you have a chode, idiot" and saying "JUST GO KILL YOURSELF ALREADY" hangs up. says to me.. omg that was soo mean picks up the phone "oh my god i didnt mean that im soo sorry" haha. and then hes like can I talk to lana.. she says "umm no your a disgrace to her life right now" haha I really do love that girl. shes soo funny. haha so then we ate, talked to each other for a while. then we got downstairs and she started getting some huge pains in her side. so she called her mom. and shes like im gonna go lay upstairs so I go up there.. and shes like balling her eyes out. and im like wooah shes in some intense pain. so she calls her dad, he says k Im coming to take you home. then she screams IM NOT GOING HOME I WANNA GO TO THE HOSPITAL!! so he didnt come. then she got in some more pain. so she was screaming at her mom.. and her dad came around 5:15ish. and I get a call at like 6ish from her, and shes in the hospital somethings up with her kidney. So I get online, and Gina has the same thing!! but she didnt go to the hospital. but she thinks its her ucler or something. but yeah, people these days! lol.

Umm the rest of the day, took a shower.. and pretty much ate and talked online, talked to Meghan on the phone. got online and Mike is being all confusing and stuff. broke up with his girlfriend.. 2 seconds later "wanna restart" and im saying, I can't, I can't, I can't. but ya know I did. :) Its hard to deny something like that. So now were .. taking it slowwww. I guess you could say.

Thats pretty much my night. and now its 12. and I should go to bed.
I think im gonna to bed. Soo I guess you can comment if you want.
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