
Feb 10, 2006 10:02

Here are the pics from the Gemma Xmas party.

There's lots of madness under the cut so you have been warned.

But I mean this is a company that has kept me employed for a year (it'll be one year on Feb 11th . . . longest I've ever been at any job ever).

Here we go!!!


Me & Valdine. The hottest black chick in the world. Even I would do her!

Johanna. Gemma's token ragging bull dyke. God bless her.

Me & Brigitte. She's was my original supervisor when I started at Gemma. She's now one of the program managers or something like that. She's also pregnant now and her b day was last Tuesday. I love you Queen B!!!

Me & Matt. What a dork face.

Me & Tabatha (Ursula's sister). I totally wanna bang her boyfriend. So dreamy that boy is.

Me & Judith. She was our token grandmother. She's on the Capital One campaign now.

Me, Brigitte, and Latifa. Latifa is soooo funny!!! She is the only person at Gemma who, after a year of me screaming and ragging about sex, drugs, the clubs, everything, still gets shocked. After she's had a year to get used to me she still get shocked when I start my Monday morning "ohhh my weekend" stories.

Me & Nick. He's the owner of Gemma Montreal. Cool dude.

Me & Sly. We're secertly gay lovers but don't tell his asian girl friend. She'll go all kung foo on my ass!

Me, Victoria, Ursula, & Grace.

Victoria is our token blonde even though she doesn't really act like a blonde.

Amazing Grace our African queen!!! God the things that come out of her mouth will make you laugh your ass off. My favorite Grace moment: "Scott we need to find you an ugly black man because an ugly one will fuck you hard and rough! That is what you need Scott. I'll make some calls."

Urusla!!! Our own little latin J Lo!!! She won't date someone without a car.

Me, Marc Andre, Ahou, and her sister.

Same groupd with Dan and some old fat black guy who annoys the hell out of me.

Me & Attika. We use the code word "cake" to talk about sex at work. "Attika, did you have any cake this weekend?" "Oh yes! A nice peice of chocolate cake. It was good" "I'll bet it was. Sadly I had no cake. I'm on a diet."

Me & Marianne. She is by far the most fabulous person I have ever met. You know those crazy old ladies who wear like spandex zebra print outfits??? She's one fo those! But it's her back story that's fabulous!!! She's originally from England where in her 20's she was a model. During said time she also dated Sean Connery during his James Bond years!!! She even showed me pics fo them together at celebrity parties being all cute. And she still talks to him!!! I loves her!!!

That is all for now.

I'll post the N.B. pics soon.
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