
Jan 05, 2013 17:40

Yesterday as I was saying goodbye to everybody I chanced bumping into one of the nicer men in the office - a real gentleman, if he's walking with you he opens every door, and chides you if you attempt to do so yourself. He had given me some advice when I headed to Prague last June as he had lived there for about eight years, and even provided me his contact number as well as a contact number for a friend he had there in case we ran into any trouble. Anyway, upon seeing him I let him know that it was probably going to be the last time since applying for full-time jobs is currently the order of business. The conversation went something like this -

"This will be my last time, I think! I graduate in June. So if I don't see you again, thank you for all your help and it's been really nice knowing you."

"Thank you! It's been a pleasure. Are you intending to work in Singapore or elsewhere?"

"Oh definitely Singapore, I don't think--"

"But if an offer comes up?"

"Then maybe, yeah!"

"Yeah, you're definitely going to be working somewhere else. There's that sense of adventure about you. It's in your eyes. And the eyes never lie. Just think, two years from now, when you're overseas, you'll think back and say "Oh my god, Marc was right"."

Which I thought was sweet and kept me smiling. I don't think it's necessarily true that I'll up and go and live anywhere else in the world for a period of time; I've always thought of myself as a creature of comfort and routine rather than adventurous, but still it's nice to know I'm perceived as such.
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