Aug 26, 2004 01:02
gather around my helping friends and i will tell you a story. in this far far away place there is a beast the eat and kills every thing in its sight this beast's name is SPAZ. Spaz rules this sandy land that i like to call the end on the world cuz he lives where no one passes. he rules this land with great power and no one back talks him well if some one has they havent lived to tell about it (fools). well one day a great power man walk in to his land and this man was a drifter no one know him we walk in wiht no fear at all and spazes name has been all over the world and this man walks in knowing it is spazes land he walk in with just a gun and a sword the nicest sword and gun ever made by a man names joe fro. well this drifters name is sid the killer of all but no know it is him cuz no one has ever seen his face all the killings happend so fast well he walk in a bar and take a shot or two and the spaz breaks through the door like a it was nothing every one fears for there lifes so they all hide and hope he does see then or smell them every one but sid he just sits there drinking and spaz goes up to him and said hail be for you master and he just sits there drinking spaz gets pissed off and trys to hit him but what he thought was him was but figment of him cuz he moves so fast spaz looks around and sees he is behind him and spaz freaks out cuz he has never missed a hit in his life. so he jumps back and he asked his name so the drifter tells him he said "i am sid". and spaz said bull shit you cant he is six feet talk and super buff and this man was 5/10 and buff and not buff as he would seem. well spaz said if you are who you say you are the fight me and lets see that said cocky spaz. then the go out side and the fight goes on spaz swings and misses again the man takes out his gun and shoots spazes right arm and the takes out his sword and cuts off his ear spaz freaks out and runs off the whole town thanks him for what he has done then the sid said nothanks i do what is right and then the town know it that sid was no killer of all only kill of evil and then they have a party in his name and they lived so far happy...
i will tell more about this man later much much more to tell. the end
by joshua scott cline