Jul 11, 2004 00:30
Damn am i bored!! i am at my dads house.i havnt slept here since like tha 7th grade!! i am always having sleepovers and shyt..and rite now..im here and he has his g/f over and they're watching a movie downstairs..fun shit! ..but anyways..um today i went to tha beach with sara.. and that was pretty fun...she was yelling at me to do a flip off tha damn diving board but i dont know how! she kept doin them and it looked lieks he was gonna hit her head on tha diving board...so of course when i do it..i'll hit my head! then. there was this old wrinkly man..acutally he was prob like 45 or osmething. but he is still ew..but um..he had a sheet spread out..and he was laying on that with a stereo.. and he was putting tanning oil on himself..n he was flirting with all these old woman..EW! ..then im on tha fone wiht jake..and i look over at that sicko..and hes doin these wierd sit ups that are like not sit ups...hes too tall to do them...then tha worst part is HES WEARING A SPEEDO!!!! OMGGGG nasty! then me and sara were having balance contests..guess who kept losing..m hm me!!! i won ONCE! then we were really hot and we left! then i went home and showered...and called my dad to come get me at my moms house and take me to rons house...umm of course..i get a lecture..."fine i'll come get u..b watching ..bye" ok bye dad loL! so he comes and gets me..and lectures me tha whole way there..k i was gonna slap him..then i was like k dad just let me off here..so i got out at tha eola center and jake met me there...and we went bak to rons and they played PS2 some football game for literally 3 hours..while i...made fun of ron..and he made fun of me! then some pipe exploded and rons stepdad was like "son of a bitch..shit!" hahahahah and ron made his cousin cry! then we went upstairs and ron went online and me and jake were on tha floor..having contests...which i lost to those too..hahaha then..ya me and jake talked and stuff and made fun of tha loser 8th grade wierdos at still loL! then jake walked me bak to that place and made fun of me about my GPA..and my dad came and got me...and now..im at his house..bored as hell! soo yea im gonna go!! holy hell thats tha longest thing i have ever typed in my life in 1 "sitting" as u wud say!! k byeee :)