Dec 29, 2004 11:39
[First job]: never had one
[First screen name]: lildancingrl247
[First funeral]: my grandma
[First pet]: a dog
[First piercing/tattoo]: my ears when i was like 7
[First credit card]: nope
[First one that mattered]: jake
[First true love]: never been in love, but i've been in something close to it, i'd have to say jake.
[First enemy]: anna ruzzo
[First big trip]:virginia..not big but was my first trip
[First concert]: never been to one =[
[First musician you remember hearing in your house]: barney <333333
[First room color]: it hasnt changed .. its always been white wall paper with rainbow line things. ugly.
[First crush]: nick pantle
[First time drunk]: ??
[First grade teacher]: mrs.melanson =]
[Last car ride]: way home with britt neto & gabby from the movies
[Last magazine you read]: a&m
[Last card game played] : dont remember
[Last call]: rich
[Last library book checked out]: dont remember
[Last beverage drank]: apple juice
[Last food consumed]: skippy snack bar - haha jessie
[Last phone call]: rich
[Last time showered]: yesterday .. but i took a bath
[Last CD played]: taking back sunday
[Last annoyance]: hmm .. idk
[Last soda drank]: coke
[Last ice cream eaten]: oreo
[Last shirt worn]: light blue volcom shirt
1. How did Kurt Cobain's death affect you: who is that??
2. How many CD's do you own?: hmm .. idk.
3. How many CD clubs do you belong to?: none
4. What is the most embarassing CD in your collection? dreamstreet, but hey i still love them =]
5. Do you still listen to it?: sure
6. What CD did you buy because you only liked one song but you ended up loving the whole CD?: i dont know
7. What CD did you buy that was a total waste of money?: duno
8. How old were you when you first started getting into music?: i always <3'd music. who doesnt ?
9. Can you play an instrument?: piano & drums ..
10. What song(s) do you always get stuck in your head?: dear jamie .. sincerely me - hellow goodbye
11. What song can you just not stand?: Rumors - Lindsey Lohan
12. What group should be banned from the music scene?: ASHLEY SIMPSON
14. What group do you listen to that no one else seems to like?: the spill canvas
15. What got you hooked on your all-time favorite group?: ..obviously listening to it
16. When was the last time you bought a cassette?: idk..
17. Rock/Pop: rock
18. Rap/R&B: rap
19. Guitar/Piano: gutiar
20. Video/Audio: video
21. CD/Cassette: cd
22. Sing Along/Listen: listen
23. Acoustic/Electric: acoustic
24. Do you ever buy CDs for the cover & the curiosity of the design on the CD itself?: am i some nerdo?
26. Do you focus more on the beat or the lyrics?: hmm both, the beat keeps me going mon', <3
27. Do you listen to music you can relate to or just whatever sounds good?: depends my mood im in
28. Do curses in music bother you?: only if like every other word is fuck. than yes becuase than you'll have to bleep it out on some stations / tv shows . and might as well just call the friggen song beep. thats all you hear. oh and occasionally a yo nigga.
29. Do you turn it up when your favorite song comes on?: yes .... <3
30. Does any song remind you of events you've experienced?: many..
*Have you ever*
1. Kissed your cousin: proboboly
2. Ran away: when i was like 5
3. Pictured your crush naked: no.. actually its kinda disturbing =\
6. Been in love: dont think so
7. Cried when someone died: yes
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yep
9 Broken a bone: yes
10. Lied: yeha
11. Cried in school: yes
12. Coke or Pepsi: coke
13. Sprite or 7UP: 7up
14. Girls or Guys: guys
15. Flowers or candy: candy
16. Scruff or Clean shaved: clean shaved
19. Blondes or Brunettes: both ..
20. Bitchy or Slutty: slutty - ( shaina ) haha j/k
21. Tall or Short: tall well guys to be tall because im short and i dont want them to be short too =]
22. Pants or Shorts: pants
23. Your Good Luck Charm: ooooohohohohoho~ my bunny rabbits foot <3 man that little man brings me luck everyday! jk.. no.
24. Person You Hate Most: hmm .. you should all know.
25. Best Thing That Has Happened: meeting rich <3 =]
26. Color: pink green black
27. Movie: Peter pan & How to Deal
28. Subject in school: dev. reading
35. Juice: snapple
36. Cars: a black or green jeep wrangler
37. Food: idk ..
41. Song: The spill canvas - So Much
43. Makes you laugh the most: jessie shaina gabby frank
43. Makes you the funniest: jessie/gabby
44. Makes you smile the most: everyone <333
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: jess shaina gabby frank <3
46. Has a crush on you: rich <3
47. Do you have a crush on: rich <333
50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: no
51. Save AOL conversations: yeah if theyre funny
52. Save Emails: some
53. Wish you were someone else: never
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no
55. Hairstyle: straigtened or piggie tails <3
56. Cologne: as long as it doesnt smell like shit.
57. Perfume: love spell
72. You touched?: stephanie
73. You talked to?: rich
74. You hugged?: stephanie
75. You instant messaged?: joey
77. You had sex with?: no
78. You yelled at?: idk
80. Who broke your heart?: hmm idk.
81. Told you loved?: rich
82. Heard I love you From: rich
82. Color your hair?: yeah
83. Have tattoos: no
84. Have piercings?: four
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: boyfriend
86. Own a webcam?: no
87. Own a thong?: yeah
88. Ever get off of the damn computer?: yeah
89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: ? i know what that means .. but no.
90. Habla espanol?: solamente si deseo a o necesito
91. Quack?: duh <3
*Have you/do you/are you*
92. Stolen anything?: yes
93. Smoke?: tried it
94. Schizophrenic?: no
95. Obsessive?: no..
96. Compulsive?: idk what that means
97. Obsessive compulsive?: no
98. Panic?: someimtes
99. Anxiety?: sometimes
100. Depressed?: maybe