(no subject)

Sep 29, 2005 20:29

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Post your results.
1) Is blue__unicorn in a relationship? awwwh, yeah.
2) What would retroletters___ think of xmake_it_hurt_? shes a faggot, cause thats all she thinks of anyone.
3) What do you agree with attack_the_elms about? that im awesome.
4) What is retroletters___'s favorite color? ELECTRIC BLUE
5) What rank would alimitonwords have in a giant robot army? last.
6) If xbetterx0ffdead and blue__unicorn were siamese twins, where would they be joined? forehead.
7) If technobeat___ had a superpower, what would it be? xray vision.
8) What is speak_softly_'s favorite movie? porn.
9) What planet should hesparks be from? earth.
10) If iou__ were hanging off a cliff, what would _______omgzz do? call her names
11) If _bangbanglovely was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? me, or boys in general.
12) What animal does iou__ remind you of? a cute one.
13) Is blue__unicorn friends with xed_out_love_x0? i don't think..
14) Do you have a crush on hesparks? YEAH!
15) Has __warningsigns been to your house/dorm? she was supposed to.
16) Is raceydays introverted or extroverted? extroverted
17) What is xmake_it_hurt_'s biggest flaw? uh, zip
18) Did _casionova break up with you? Nope.
19) Would you wrestle hesparks in jello? haha, how ironic. probably not.
20) One quality you find attractive in _casionova? he's very artsy.
21) Are _weatherveins and numbing_beauty going steady? noooo
22) Are numbing_beauty and __warningsigns going out? noooo
23) If arieoh_vantae commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? all of his myspace friends
24) What comic book character would numbing_beauty be? wonder woman
25) When did you last call hesparks? uhh
26) Does _casionova do drugs? ask him your self.
27) What mental disorder does thott123 remind you of? haahahahhahaha.
28) Where was mystery___ born? a hospital.
29) What is xall_my_lovex's favorite game? the game of love
30) Is _myonly_one 1337? i don't get it..
31) Is notorious_sam single? no shes going out with BB
32) How tall is arieoh_vantae? taller than i.
33) Would you make out with xbetterx0ffdead? nope.
34) If arieoh_vantae took over the world, who would be happy? himself.
35) If _casionova and speak_softly_ were spliced together, what would it be like? spliced?
36) What video game does _______omgzz remind you of? paper mario.
37) What languages does uglytelephone speak? retard.
38) What color should xbetterx0ffdead dye their hair? purple.
39) Do _____7am and confuzed456 go to the same school? YEA
40) What flavor of jello would hellogo_die9629 be? orange
41) Is xmake_it_hurt_ a college student? nope
42) Have you flirted with uglytelephone? yep
43) Is _myonly_one related to _______omgzz? nope
44) Which of your friends should deaddinos go out with? NONE, THEY ARE MY FRIENDS AND HE CANT HAVE THEM.
45) Does iheartskax93 know __allweknow? uhh, no?
46) If iheartskax93 and _______omgzz were spliced together, what would be its name? wtf is spliced?!
47) Are _______omgzz and blue__unicorn married? they could be
48) Is deaddinos a nerd? he's a crack addict.
49) Is _casionova athletic? probably
50) Does mystery___ have a dog? she used to.
51) Does punchcombo travel a lot? ask him.
52) __warningsigns's hair color? brown
53) Would punchcombo and blue__unicorn look good together? noo way
54) Is lennyheyworth an emo? THIS QUESTION SHOULD HAVE SAMS NAME.
55) One thing you can't stand about deaddinos? nothing, i love him to death.
56) Thoughts on xall_my_lovex? i never hangout with her anymore
57) Does xbetterx0ffdead have a big secret? if he did he wouldn't tell it to me.
58) How would gameshowssuck conquer the world? through myspace.
59) Do you think my0nelastwish is hot? nah
60) What is thott123's shoe size? big
61) What is mystery___'s favorite band/artist? panic at the disco prolly.
62) What song/movie would you recommend to xbetterx0ffdead? none.
63) Would you ever date xbetterx0ffdead? nah
64) What do you disagree with technobeat___ about? shes so pretty
65) Could you see retroletters___ and _______omgzz together? HAHA NO!
66) _weatherveins's eye color? her eyes are so pretty.
67) Is lennyheyworth dead sexy? ::THROW UP:: justkidding.
68) How would _____7am kill ____losecontrol? uh, i don't want to think of that.
69) How many monkeys could xall_my_lovex fight at once and win against? 1
70) Do you have uglytelephone's screenname? yes i do.
71) Does all_is_nothing drink? i don't think so.
72) Is ____losecontrol popular? yep, she should be.
73) Does raceydays go to your school? yes she does.
74) What would _0nlyashes_ give technobeat___ for his/her birthday? a pony.
75) How long have you known ____losecontrol? uh not long.
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