(no subject)

Aug 26, 2005 19:05

GUESS WHAT!? It's my mommys birthday
Is that soooo cool or what?
We went to a restaraunt.
Me and Kaylee had a cool convo.
x0 Rican Babe x0: me n justin r gunna go back out
x0 Rican Babe x0: he likes me but me n him gatta talk one on one
DeadPoet6969: r u serious!?
x0 Rican Babe x0: wanna know whut i find cool n sweet tho?
DeadPoet6969: whatt?
x0 Rican Babe x0: i jus broke up with my bf today... he didnt presure me to.. he was like ''im really happy u found someone and i hope it works out''-he said that yesterday
DeadPoet6969: awww
x0 Rican Babe x0: but today my friend jeremy n josh [my x] n matt were here n they were gunna cuss him out so i blocked him.. n so he went on his tupac sn...
x0 Rican Babe x0: to tlk to me
x0 Rican Babe x0: i was like awwwwwwwwwwww... u went on ur old sn to tlk to me?
DeadPoet6969: awwwww,thats soo cute,this will the 4th time u guys go back out?
x0 Rican Babe x0: haha no the liek 8th

A lot more but we'll keep that to ourself Kaylee ;-)! haha.
ILU Kaylee.


I broke up with Josh today, it's alllllllllllll good in the hood. For shizzle.

My mom tried talking black today.
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