I haven't written in a very long time, so I figured that this was needed? Yes, it was. Life has been doing me well lately. Minus the fact that my friends well basically don't exist, I have no outside contact besides school. I am not going to complain, because I know I made an effort, just because they didn't doesn't mean I am going to make myself miserable. But the people I have become friends with this year, Kudos.
Life, to be honest has been pretty well. Other than my grandma, I really really hope she is going to be okay soon. I know she'll live for a while I just hope she gets well fast. I miss her to death, I can't really take this. But I visit her as often as I can.
3 Days.
John is coming over for Christmas Eve and I am going to his house on Christmas. I cannot wait. There will be plenty of pictures. I am almost done with his shopping. I just need to go to Michaels. He is done with mine<3 I wanna get his parents something but I don't know what. John told me his mom wanted to give me a ring of hers that cost 10,000 but I said no, cause I'm really really clumsy.
Anyways, yesterday John came over. We made cookies<3 Watched some of the Lord of The Rings the second one, I don't know the name. Then we made some amazing loving<33 which was so beautiful. Then we got some pizza and then hung around, I played tetris. All good stuff. AND we took pictures.
Excuse me, too busy, you're writing your tragedy
These mess-ups, you bubble wrap
When you've no idea what youre like
My grandma's tree topper.
"Don't take the picture."
-Yes, take it.
-You're beautiful.
Sorry I didn't flip it. :(
Emo, but he's so sexy. <3
So hot.
Nipple Ringage.
Amazing day.<3!
The End.