Well this is the first entry in God knows how long. Life has been treating me well and I cannot wait for winter.
Here is PART A of this entry
they make me so happy, and just oh man!
i am like freakingout here like a mother fucker.
Now for PART B:
I fully am aware that many things have been going on between boyfriends, girl friends, guys that are just friends, and whatever else you could call a "liked/loved/partner." I told Alex I wasn't using names, but I'm sorry, I have to. Alex- Does Jay make you happy? Yes he does. Jay- Does Alex make you happy? Yes she does. That is all that matters. If you guys don't like jay, that is YOUR business. But don't pass judgements without meeting nor speaking to him. It's unfair to Alex and makes Jay look bad. When in the end, he did nothing.
I'm not taking sides, I just feel that what is being done to everyone is so stupid. Commack drama is so fucking stupid. Everyone says one thing, and secretly does another. But I'm sorry if this sounds gay, but this school is one Jeykl and Hyde fest. (SPELLING = NO IDEA) Honestly it is, everyone just needs to be happy for one another, and if that doesnt work then dont bother with them.
Alex is happy with Jay.
Jay is happy with Alex.
Nay is happy with Nick.
Nick is happy with Nay.
Nick doesn't like Jay.
Everyone else doesn't like Jay.
Jay doesnt like Nick.
Max doesn't like Nick.
Just leave each other alone, it would be the best for everyone. Actually the best would be for everyone to just accept who your friends are with. Friends are the most important thing to me, and I lost one of my best. It changed me alot.
I don't know if I am just rambling about NOTHING! But i did want to get this out, because it's not fair for nay or alex to start going out or start liking these guys and already there is drama. It makes everything so much harder to be with each other.
So for alex and nays sake...
Just grow up and get over yourselves.
Theyre happy, everyone should be happy.
This just causes more drama, but i wanna know if people actually relate/agree on what Im saying.
Gotta go eat Ziti, be right back!
Anyways, I have nothing else to say EXCEPT FOR;
I cannot waitWAITwait til this weekend.
Friday- I dont know.
SATURDAY!!- John and I are going POWER RANGER KITE FLYING! PLAYING HALO2 WHICH IS LIKE THE MOTHER FUCKING SHIT OF GAMES!! and then were seeing the SPONGEBOB movie, which I dont wanna see that much, but I am because I aboslutely love john -Going out to dinner and then im going to his hockey game and watching my love beat all the mens asses cause hes my booby and I LOVEEEEE HIM!!!!<3
Sunday- I dont know.
One of my poems got published for the school's newpaper!
If you'd like to read it,
I can’t breathe
You are my midnight dream
I’m dying each day
The night is your body
A little more with every touch
And each star is shining for you
You’re like this disease I can’t rid of
The wind is your kiss
Each word eats away at me
With your lips against the current
Til’ there’s nothing left but vulnerability
The ground is your mind, softly speaking
And that’s when you make your attack
Telling your legs to fly
Strangling my every weakness
My sun rises and sets to your command
You’ve filtered through this wall I had
Gleaming down on all your days
Building upon your ability to split this core
Your beauty is my world
Congratulations, I’m broken.
And you are my solitary universe.
--Alecia St. Aubrey