Ring Day!!! =)
The ceremony was cute & I just love the fact that we have our rings now. It's kind of scary because it means we're that much closer to graduating but... I dunno. It kinda feels good to have it, like it's something that holds us all together. Yeah, I know that sounded stupid but it's what I feel.
Everyone looked so pretty & it was so good just being together as a class, but still having fun with your friends.
So I'm writing about the day because it was just a really good day but I'll put it behind a cut so you all don't have to read it.
So rundown of the day: Got to school & Lauren came and found me & gave me flowers. =) They're so pretty... & I must say I totally wasn't expecting it. It was really nice of her. Then the juniors went and had breakfast in the dining hall which was cute. Everyone took like 234839 pictures... I can't wait to get mine developed.
So then yeah, we had the ceremony, then Liz, Julie, Martina, Annette, Marlisse, & I went to Sushi Mike's for lunch, which, I must say, was surprisingly good. (Good call, Martina.) & Liz's dad treated us to lunch which was SO nice of him. The place was so cute & the food was good so yeah, it was nice. & Liz was her hilarious self the whole time... As part of our meals, we all got Miso soup, so for the rest of the day Liz used "miso" in context. xD SO funny... she was like "Miso full" after we ate, and "Miso crazy" after we all started cracking up at her saying "I want some more of that fried business..." when we were eating dessert, and "Miso chilly" when we were on our way back to school. xD Ahh I love my Biffle. =)
Then we all went over to our little boutique place we love & we all bought these awesome belts & the lady gave us a discount because she likes us (we made a good impression the last time we went there xD). But then Liz had driver's ed at 3 and by the time we left it was 2:55 so we literally started RUNNING back to school because we didn't have a ride back... oh mannn it was hilarious. I can't even imagine what we looked like bolting down the streets of Dobbs Ferry. But then, by some amazing streak of luck Julie's sister was driving past and saw us running xD so she pulled over and picked up Julie, Liz, & I, & Martina, Annette, & Marlisse walked the rest of the way. xD I KNOW. WE'RE SELLOUTS, but there wasn't enough space for everyone in the car and I really needed to get back & so did Liz.
So yep, we got back, I got my stuff & then Dad let me drive home which was good. I'm starting to feel so much more comfortable driving. I was a little tired so I got a little shaky towards the end, but everything was good more or less.
Ah, it was such a good day.
So I'm back on a "I LOVE MY FRIENDS" kick, I think. This whole Ring Day thing made me really appreciate the girls that help me get through my day & it just seems like this year I'm getting closer to a lot of different people that I wasn't all that close with before and I just love all of them.
So ladies, this one's for you. You know who you are. =) I have so much love for you guys you don't even know. <33