Jul 31, 2008 02:48

Because I spend way too much of my time thinking about this list and because the fucked up html on the last one makes my brain hurt... TIME FOR REVAMP 3.0 :D Order is basically the same, but THIS IS MORE ORGANIZED :D andafewchangesofcourse

15. Michael Cera

This is my thing for awkward boys coming out, but really. He is absolutely adorable and hilarious -- I loved him in Arrested Development and I ADORED him in Juno. In fact, I'm in a FB group called "Paulie Bleeker is the cheese to my macaroni." :D If you haven't you should look up Clark and Michael, which is a webshow he does with his friend. And everyone admit it -- in Superbad, he was the funniest one. Eff McLovin' XD

14. Ioan Gruffudd

I was introduced to the Welsh lovin' that is Ioan in King Arthur, that Clive Owen movie that positively sucked. But I mean... IOAN GRUFFUDD WAS HOT. XD Continue to love him in the Fantastic 4 (HE IS THE SEXY ONE, NOT CHRIS EVANS) and OF. COURSE. Horatio Hornblower. And if you do nothing else in your life you have to hear him singing the Pancake Song in Welsh. AMAZING.

13. Tom Felton

My second Potter boy! Just after Sean Biggerstaff, how I miss him so. I'll always remember the shock of "THEY GREW UP" that made me forget how bad PoA was, especially in Tom Felton's case. For a while I may or may not have dreamed about that shot where he blows the paper crane at Harry. Hogawd. Also this picture.... hmmmmclare'ssuitfetish.

12. Ed Westwick

Ok, clearly Ed is fantastic at Chuck, but you're all going to call me superficial when I say that the first time I really noticed him was when I saw interview footage of him and a British accent was coming out of his mouth. a) He has a fantastic American accent on the show... like YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW and b) oh baby do I love British accents :D BLAIR/CHUCK OTP.

11. Penn Badgley

Oh, look! Three Gossip Girl boys in a row! What a coincidence, this is the same order they're sitting in on the floor of my closet. Anyway, I am a fluff addict, and at the beginning of Gossip Girl Dan and Serena were the fluffiest thing since ever and I loved him so so so much. I'm a little mad at him since the finale, but I'll always remember the Christmas episode.

10. Chace Crawford

There was, in fact, a point when I claimed I didn't find him attractive because I was a crazed and overly loyal Dan fangirl. But I came around quickly, because he is dang gorgeous. Also, THAT SMILE *becomes liquid* <--- love, the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket?

09. Ewan McGregor

I will tell the story of the night I fell in love with Ewan McGregor. I went to see Star Wars Ep. 3 in theaters right after school and commented on the pure epic awesome that is Obi Wan Kenobi, and then went straight to a friend's house where I saw Moulin Rouge for the first time. And the combination of THAT MUCH Ewan in one night and the knowledge that HE COULD SING LIKE THAT... I was head over heels XD. Also -- once Mara and I were flipping through late night television and we came across a nature special called 'Polar Bears with Ewan McGregor,' and it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen in the history of ever.

08. Robert Pattinson

Robert and I met first in this very shot, actually, when he dropped from a tree branch or heaven or whatever it was. And fell right into a puddle of Clare because... guh, let's face it, he's fucking gorgeous. He's going to be the only reason I see the Twilight movie. Let's just face it, Twifail might ruin everything, but Robert Pattinson's pure liquid sex is incorruptible even if your name is SMeyer.

07. Ben Barnes

If you know me, you know I'm a little bit indifferent towards Ben Barnes compared to the other Narnia boys. But really? Okay, fiiiine, he's completely gorgeous. I might have a picture of him on my wall next to two or three of acertaincostarofhis. It helps a lot that rpf has convinced me that he's completely batshit insane, which seems to be a turn on of mine. Also recently someone showed me a picture of his ears and nfdksf they are awesome. Yes, I know that's weird.

06. Jim Sturgess

It started with Across the Universe, when my love of Liverpudlian accents drew me in (and I was EXTRAORDINARILY disappointed that it was fake... igotoveritdon'tworry) and then the scene for I've Just Seen a Face cemented him on this list FOREVERMORE. Trufax, he has adorable mannerisms. I still need to see 21, but I'm not in too much of a rush because he's pretending to be American in that one.

05. Prince William

Ok, I know that a lot of people don't get this one, but I've been a complete annglophile since I was seven or eight, and I've loved Prince William ever since my uncle brought me a postcard with his face on it when he came home from England. I think it's because he's SO CLASSY and he's just the epitome of a British boy.

04. Skandar Keynes

Just when we thought that PoA could not be beaten as the ultimate HEGREWUP experience, Prince Caspian came out and girls across the world fell to their knees, thanking God for puberty. :-P Seriously, THIS BOY GREW. UP. Really, he's an absolutely hilarious person, and now he's fucking hot to match. And I have a thing for the fact that he's related to random dead intellectuals. And HIS. SMILE. *ded*

03. Steven Strait

OHSTEVEN. So I first saw him in Sky High, where he kicked a lot of ass as Warren Peace, but I never knew who he was until, unfortunately, the Twilight fandom, when someone said OH, HE'D MAKE A GREAT JACOB and I said I'VE SEEN HIM SOMEWHERE! And the love began. Since then, I've seen numerous completely crappy movies just for him -- I highly suggest the Covenant if your going for looks-not-plotline because this movie features Steven in MANY suits and swim jams *fans self* And seriously? 10,000 BC was the most hilarious movie that came out this year. And Steven spends most of it shirtless. GET THEE TO A CINEMA.

02. David Tennant

I've only watched an episode and a half of Doctor Who with him in it but I'm already completely in love with him so... yeaaaah XD So far I just love the fact that he's running around being like LOLOLOLOLOL I WIN AT LIFE and then all of a sudden he's like, "NO SECOND CHANCES. That's the kind of man I am." I LOVE IT.

01. William Moseley

Oooooh William. This is an epic story. Ok, so I came home from LWW saying "Peter is hot," and many of my friends said "Ewww Clare he is 12. You are a pedophile." And then I looked him up on IMDb and he was, in reality, three years older than me. Hahahaha. So the love began. But at the time of this release I was a little too naive to notice a possible... problem XD So fast forward to the release of Prince Caspian. From the trailer to the movie to everything people were going "OMG THAT GUY WHO PLAYS PRINCE CASPIAN IS SOOO HAWTT" but I walked out of the movie going "PETERR" and crying because he was never going back to Narnia. And then I started watching promo stuff and... having regular panic attacks over his sexuality. I HUNTED down rumor websites and positively shed tears over the Guardian interview... until the SLAVE. incident*. The SLAVE. incident was SO FUNNY that I just stopped caring. Gay or not, he's still number one on this list, because if he said "Clare, have sex with me" I'd do it without ANY hesitation. And that's the meaning of this list. Generally, he's just this clean cut, pretty preppy, very friendly, awesome guy and I am a shameless fangirl.
(rofl that was very long...)


* (nearish the end)
"HE KNOWS HIS PRINCE TRIVIA. Oh, hell. He is gay, isn't he."

intarwebz: picspam, it's raining menz, intarwebz: meme

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