May 08, 2005 09:18
Damn Anson, Tx. is all kinds of fucked up. First we got an ex-goth now turned wigger. Yeah like we didn't see this coming. Now we got an ex-couple putting thereselves first instead of doing the right thing and putting the unborn child first. If she was smart she would see he is scared of being alone and just wants company. If he really wanted to raise a child he wouldn't say half the shit he does. When I first found out my fiance was pregnant, we both cried. I cried b/c I was happy she cried b/c she thought she had ruined my life. We just laid there and held each other for hours. Then she asked me what we were going to do. I told her whatever she felt like was right. After a couple of days she decided we were going to become a family and I have supported her every step of the way. I held her back while she was sick, I got her food she craved, and I never once put her down or threatened her with talks of suicide or any other ridicolous talk. What appens on the outside can be felt on the inside, no matter how small or little the developing child is. So basically you hurt the mother you are in turn hurting your child. And thait makes you an asshole who should have his ass stomped. I personally would do it to, especially after seeing my little girl and the smiles she brings. I don't see how anyone could every hurt such a precious gift ever given life.
Anyways, 7 and a half months left till I get to go home! Allright. This has definetly been an experience for me. My baby is growing up, my wife is growing up, Matt is doing good. ANd all these things are happening while I'm gone. So that means I'm going to have alot of catching up to do when I get home. Tonie needs me, Morgan needs me, I need them. I also plan on taking a road trip back to abilene to see some of my bretheren. Namely Matt and JL if they aren't to busy with their new lives to reunite with an old buddy. Tonie I love you, Morgan Daddy loves you, I love you both so much and I will be home soon. But still NO SHIH-TZU PUPPY! I mean it. You can have an english bulldog. WEll I got to go duty calls. Love all and to others wise the fuck up!