- one tree hill finale <3
- chad michael murray
- swiss chocolate
- yogurt & bananas
- shopping
- my computer
- doing well on things i think i bombed. aka OAPT physics contest. ahaha.
- waking up at 5:30 to get to school at 7, failing my physics generator project, and staying at school till 7
- orchestra sounding so bad.
okay so school was okay. this entire week i have to stay till 7 and then till 9 on friday to rehearse for our dinky little show on saturday. it sounds so horrible i want to scream. except we're going out for dinner friday and sat which should be eventful. i guess.
after this week is over i think i'll feel more in control of things and i like that. at least when it comes to school and knowing what i'm doing.
on sunday serena and i went to yorkdale. the 40 new stores are so pretty. bought a pair of jeans, 2 pairs of flipflops, and some hair stuff :)
should i go to the formal? HMMMM.
i'm really excited for the summer. after shad, i might be going on a CRUUUISE. my parents are trip-a-holics. i'm not complaining!