Poking Through

Mar 29, 2004 11:18

Yesterday I found my way outside.

Bustling from every direction could be heard and seen. Spring is definately in the air and everyone has been made aware of what had been left behind last fall and during the winter as it lay everywere. My front deck was a good starting point, so off I went, broom in hand. Memories from last summer seeping into consciousness as I returned the kids collections of rocks back to nature.

Next I turn to the first of several gardens that will have spring blooms. As I clear away the old making room for the new an eerie feeling comes over me as I say an initial goodbye to this garden as it will be the last spring clean I will do for it. A few tulip sprouts were there to greet me when the debris was removed. A smile forms on my face as I anticipate their blooms.
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