Mar 25, 2004 09:23
It has been a while and I have decided to give my online journal another go. I don't have a long list of friends attached to my journal, a few good ones are all I need. I have questioned, over and over again the intentions of those I have considered friends. I remember the writtings and rantings about the internet and email lists not being a place to make friends. However I fell into the trap of thinking those who I connected with were indeed my freinds.
Or was it a trap?
I believe that it is only that if I say it is. Therefore it was not. I don't care anymore what others may say about the ability to make friends online. And if I think someone is friend when in reality they are not, their loss!
I have had to begin the process of loking at my perception of loss. I have felt a great loss at thinking you all are not friends. The decline of posting at circle didn't help any. I don't like this journal as well it feels like no one is listening and at circle I felt more connected somehow. However, change is good! :-pp I am understanding more about staying centered and acting on my behalf rather than to please everyone else. *chuckle* That's not to say I am not still doing it. These things take time ya know! :p I am also learning to be myself when the heart is involved. I have no trouble being myself when I don't let people in.
I treasure each and every person from circle that I consider friend. Those friends are people who take the time to listen, and to be a part of my life no matter how small. They are people with good intentions, and a love for life. They are people who care about the well being of themselves and others.
They are people like myself, and unlike myself. So there it is at the risk of sounding fluffy, the last thing on earth I would want to be!
I thank you Inanna, you Enyo, you Gwen, and you Jeroen for being friend and not foe. I also thank all others who are not on this journal for being friend not foe.
And I would like to take this opportunity to ask you all if MTNBeach and Raven are on livejournal because I would love to know occassionally how there lives are going as well.
{{{{{{{ hugs, hugs, and more hugs }}}}}}}}}}