Feb 07, 2003 14:10
Wow...what can I say? Those last couple months were pretty hectic. 'Time' goes by. So much so that I havn't been online at all. Changes are happening all over the place and as much as I fight with some internal change, I do know it is all good. Thank you Enyo for that! I use that phrase a lot for inspiration.
I have had some great days and some pretty ugly ones. Hense the Mrs. Extreme title my hubby gives me. But ya know what?..... I like extremes...so bla bla bla. And without the Drama Queen what fun would life be? :-p There is 'time' to let it "all hang out".
Jeroen, thanks for the communication, communications! They have helped me a lot. The home front is much quieter now. I just ignore him....lol But on a good note, with all the quiet, I think we both can hear ourselves think again, and maybe out of that consideration for each other may come, in 'time'. We have a nice vacation to Aruba coming, and I know something good will come out of that. Hopefully the end of difficult 'times'!
My children are proving themselves as my teachers! God help me...lol "From the mouths of babes", for sure. Everytime I turn around words of wisdom flow from their mouths whether they know it or not, and I am forced to take a closer look at myself. It's a 'time' of old souls, I think.
I titled this 'time' because I have come full circle in many ways and one way is in my anxiety about not enough 'time' in the day.
The corporate world still sucks, and I feel as though I am being thrown back into it. But it seems that the corporate world is the one that pays the bills. At least at this 'time'.
So long for now, till next Time!