Sep 14, 2004 21:58
Before you ask I use the word Hyne sometimes and I guarentee a lot more during the enteries. Who is Hyne? The Goddess like figure in FF VIII who was the source of the Sorceress powers hence the reason they are called Hyne's descendant.
Ugh sorry I didn't update yesterday I was only on for a few minutes cause my brother insisted we play LotR monopoly. Don't get me wrong, I love LotR but I hate monopoly. Anyway school sucks as usual I feel horrible but last year I missed like 40 days of school because I kept getting sick (no I wasn't playing hookie) and now they get all on my case everytime I miss a day. I've missed two so far for a really bad toothache and the stupid Vice Principal called me into the office to talk about a contract about my absents which means everytime I'm not there I need a Doctor's Note. Do you know what a pain it is to have to go to the doctors everyday you get sick? I hate my school so much and the nurse never sends me home anyway so I know I'll get stuck there with a pounding headache and a bad stomach ache. And to top it all off my best friend said the next time I miss a day she's making me walk by myself to all my classes oh boy that makes me feel great.
Ok gotta stop talking about school.
Today Scooby Doo 2 came out and I wish I had the money to buy it but sadly I don't. Well I did but I spent it on something of very great importance....the FF VII game. My stupid crack addicted uncle borrowed it and naturally never returned it but I won't hold a grudge *huggles new video game*. I think it's time fo me to get a job because there is so many things I want right now.....
INUYASHA! Yeah that came out the 8th for the first time in America. "Affections Reaching Across Time" I believe it's called and it looks great. Though I think the show needs more of the sexiest wolf boy around KOUGA!!!!! You wouldn't believe my sick fantasies of him and.....Inuyasha....sometimes I throw Kagome in the mix and pretend it's me. Yes I support some Inuyasha slash *coughkougaxinuyashacoughkagomexsangocough* so what? I still think the regular couples are adorable too. I have one request though Kikyo should end up with Nuraku so Inuyasha and Kagome will live happily ever after. I heard that the series is ending this month in Japan how how I wish I lived there.
Ding dong the witch is dead......YOU HAVE TO SEE WITHOUT A PADDLE! I'm serious if you only see one movie this year see that. I was laughing the whole time that movie was fricken hilarious. It also helped though that Matthew Lillard was in there and some parts only in his underwear. That doesn't beat Summer Catch though hyne when he stripped I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I managed to pause it at the right moment to see his butt whoo hoo! Yeah I'm perverted. You know what else was hot in that movie? Him walking onto the screen in nothing but a thong. Priceless. God how I wish I was his wife *drools*
Ok I gotta stop typing now *runs away from the keyboard*