Dec 01, 2005 23:19
In review of the day:
I pulled in my driveway at 10:13. I was tired and overworked, gaining sobreity at last and grasping on to last few minutes of a high. I pulled the volvo into my driveway. I looked up and there was a large, fully grown dear about 3 yards in the frame of my headlights. It was grazing around the lawn and bushes at the edge of the yard ahead, occasionally stopping to look around. I watched him for 35 meditative minutes from the drivers seat. I looked away for a moment to light my cigarrette, but he was gone by the time I lifted my head again. I started to think about how we disrupt things.
I think-no, I mean, I believe that alot of grand thoughts are interrupted by another voice.
it is world aids day, so be thankful. and tomorrow is tomorrow, so be happy.