
Oct 02, 2004 16:46

i hate being emo but sometimes i feel lost. as my friends all know, im adopted. but im different then other adopted kids. i had a mother and a father, two brothers & a sister. the only problem was.. my father ran away. i never found out who he was or anything about him. because of this.. there is a part of me that is missing. everyone can turn to ( Read more... )

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anonymous October 2 2004, 21:37:54 UTC
Loren, you have been good to me and bad in the past. Now this post should not be on the offensive, but another view of your problem. Please think about this from my stand point. You are adopted, but blood isnt only family. Nice family, with parents that love you. Now, your father left. I know it is sad. You feel like nobody know what that its like. Now, you can cry (remeber on offensive, but a different view) about your biological parents any time you want. People will find it reasonable why you are crying, but think of this. Douism. Yes we all learned it in the sixth grade, and some learned a little more in the seventh. Douism states that things happen for a reason, and that the only reason why you are sad now, is that something extraoridnary made you feel so happy before. Now, missing a valuable person in your life is hard to deal with. And i know you may (may is the key word, i dont know what you think) think about your biological parents everyday, but you usually over come it with joy. Not trying to compare, but 9-11 people now run there lives as before, even though there loved ones gone. They overcame it and mostly by luaghter a joy. Not the Jewish religion which we both follow also has a similarity to Douism. Things happen for a reason. Moses left Egypt, later the reason was to talk to god. Well the moses thing is bad, so lets do a recent one. In the later 1950's girls were becoming equal to men. Im all for that, even though im a guy. Now, girls started getting Bat Mitzvahed. What for, well at the temple i belong to, the reason was to become religious and eventually get a good job as a Rabbi. Now the moses one works better but the rabbi thing is more mottern. You were put with the good family you have now for a reason. You might not have the same opertunities you have now if you were with your biological parents or another family. In my view you are raised right. You have a family now that loved you. Maybe not blood, but family all the same. Hope you look at this post as a different view, and only my two cents on your problems. Hope to see you the best and that you stay at Granada.


__curfew October 2 2004, 22:50:16 UTC
no offense or anything, but you probably dont know what its like to be adopted. you dont really have a point to what you are saying and your comparing me to things from the past. relevance=none. i wrote this post because it is what i feel, if your gonna make an opinion to it, thats great, but have it make sense and dont compare me to things. im myself, no one else can take the place of me and no one else is me. no one feels how i feel no one else is in my shoes right now. so you dont know how i feel & your 'opinion' if thats what ya want to call it wasn't exactly opinion but facts from the past taht have no relevance to me and the fact that i feel i have something missing in my life. you obviously didn't read my whole post. but thank you for taking your time posting all of that to something you didn't read.


_hollywood__ October 3 2004, 00:21:17 UTC
loren. i can't say that i really understand what you're going through. but my best friend might. she's adopted. talk to us if you need to. stay strong my love<3


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