I have been in a crummy mood lately. Lane cheered me up. So, I'll copy her.
A-You really suck. Badly. Not really, but I'd hate to waste my mintues on you. I saved that message, I don't know why. You sound like a crack whore in it. Enough with the nuns and abortion, please, it sickens me.
B-I hated you at our old school, but now I like you. I dunno why. You're a nice boy though, I think that's why...
C-You are too school for cool. Haha, I hope you enjoy North next year. First Friday, we'll get together sometime right? I can't believe you could make the old boy cry, with the 'make (name) cry switch', that's pretty shnazy.
D-Gosh, I haven't talked to you in a while. I tried a while ago, but it really didn't go anywhere, sorry about that. I hope everything is fine in potato land. Maybe one of these days, you can actually teach me how to spell it.
E- You are literally one of the funniest kids I've ever met. You and your dog, well, I dunno that's just creepy. Sorry for hitting you so many times, but your face is just too funny not to. Well, I hope your girlfriends are a.o.k. Haha, you just gotta joke about that, relax, everyone knows your not gay.
F-YOU. Introduced me to one of my favorite bands, thank you. And you always smell good, you and your lucky you-ness. How I heart you.
G-You and your blackness. Technically, you are as white as me, so you stop listening to that crap, and stop giving 'gifts' to random Brophy guys.
H-Iteem, Iteem. How I love you so. Grew up with you nigga. Sorry things were so shitty last year, but hopefully I'll come around sometimes and we can get a driving lesson from your sister.
I- I love you soooo much, Tegan. Haha, just gave it away, but that's ok. You are a great friend, really. My best friend. Hopefully I'll call you soon, so we can catch up. Oh, our pee times are gonna be record breakers.
J- You are a sick basterd. Constantly groping me, and then denying it. I know you can be really sweet, so start acting like it. And no more calling teachers baby.
K- You poo face. You are moving. Be a big girl and stay. All these other basketball players delt with Coach D, take it like a man. Haha, but step into my office so we can discuss this, or forgeeet about it, little italian.
L-Aw, we used to be best little friends in like 2nd grade. I should call you sometimes, hopefully we'll both stop acting like little skanks and be nice to eachother.
M- "Chicks over dicks". Lezzie right there. Haha, maybe I'll call you sometime, and hang up on you, cause it's oh so fun, right?
N- Crap, you gotta gun in your locker, ahhhhhhh. That's just great, gangsta. Piruja.
O- I hate the fact that you live in California, but I passed through Ontario, and stopped in a Starsmucks and you weren't there, haha. I love you, puta.
P- I loved you alot, and I guess now, I don't know how I feel about it. Maybe these two weeks will give me time to heal, I don't really know. We spent a whole year together, and through that time there was a lot of pain, but alot of happiness too, hopefully I'll stop resenting you. Thank you for everything.
Q- WIFEY. I'm glad that I can actually talk to you about some things that I feel uncomfortable, and you gave me the greatest advice last time. I love you, and your pancakes.
R- You are a meanie. Constantly mean. Backstabbing skank. GOSH. I'm glad I attacked you that time, muahahaha.
S- God bro. God bro. God bro. You make it sound like some kind of mafia. I'll always remember that night when we stayed up playing that retarded computer game.
T- You are such a whore. Haha, I love tormenting you in science. Next time I'll 'help' you on a quiz, promise.
U- You are one of the cutest guys I know, I just wish you weren't as shy as you usually are, gosh be a man and tuck in that shirt.
V- I'm glad I don't have any classes with you, you constantly slam my little, helpless self into the locker with those polish arms.
W- ASU trip, that was just the greatest. With the plantinum blondes and all. Damnit, I wanted an adventure.
X- pen 15. Hahahaha, not. Please stop shaving that head of yours, it's just not good.
Y- Maybe if your mom wasn't such a whore, then maybe, just maybe you'd have friends. And please stop making me curse in english, the teacher thinks badly of me know.
Z- Haha, I made you read all that. I'm mean I know. Well, I kinda had wished I got on the softball team with you, but I hate work, and I'll bring the bat EVENTUALLY. Your music makes my ears bleed, just BLEED, all that screaming. I'd hate to be you, a leo, so vain, egotistical, gosh, that must suck huh? haha