Do not get Hinman for College Algebra or Intermediate. You'll probably need Intermediate and College Algebra if you didn't make it through ALL high school math courses. It sucks. Intro to Sociology is just an elective class, you'll need those too. Are you going to be going to the Melbourne BCC or Cocoa or Palm Bay? If you're going to the Melbourne one, take Sibol for Intermediate and College Algebra. She's awesome, I promise. Com 1, if you're going to Melbourne, take Von Achen, any others will probably make you do more than 4 essays per the semester, and if you're like me and hate essays then he's a good bet. General Psych is an awesome class and if you're going to Palm Bay OR doing it online, take Kennedy. She is literally the best professor I have EVER had. Speech I'm gonna do online cause the thought of getting up in front of a class makes me hurl.
I hope some of that helps. You can always talk to me anytime. I've gone to both Palm Bay and Melbourne campus for at least 2 semesters, so I know a fair amount of professors. I'd imagine you would need Biology and Chemistry too for nursing... not sure though. Did you see an advisor?
Oh and check before choosing professors for whichever BCC you go to or online. That always helped me choose the best professors. Everything people say is usually really accurate and helps you make good judgment calls. Nothing sucks more than paying for a shitty professor. Good luck!
I hope some of that helps. You can always talk to me anytime. I've gone to both Palm Bay and Melbourne campus for at least 2 semesters, so I know a fair amount of professors. I'd imagine you would need Biology and Chemistry too for nursing... not sure though. Did you see an advisor?
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