Sorry I haven't been very active with this community. I moved and I've had a few computer problems, but I hope to soon start posting caps again!
Back on the task of George:
What is your favourite song by George Harrison: in the Beatles? Solo? Traveling Wilbury's?
1. I love While My Guitar Gently Weeps. That's where my username comes from ("I look at the floor and see it needs sweeping.") I think it is one of the most brilliant songs ever written and whenever I listen to it a smile appears on my face. I find that happens with any song created by him. No matter what mood I'm in, if I listen to a song by George I feel calm and happy. As for Solo, I'm going to have to think that one over. I'm inclined to say Art of Dying or Wah Wah or Faster... Or Crackerbox Palace XP Damn! There is just too much to chose from! And for Traveling Wilbury's- well... as soon as I can find a CD I'll let you know. Those things are so hard to find >_>.