(no subject)

Jul 07, 2005 15:45

Fuck... fuck,.. fuck... fuck...

Bombs and explosions in central london... Holy cunting jesus.

I'm actually really thinking of selling my NIN ticket, since I'm going to into London a week today to go to see them... But I proabily won't... and probabily nothing will happen... But thank god that there were not to many fatalities... hope that the familes cope well... and revenge is carried out of these fuckers. Hope they rot in hell... And Elle lives near Edgeware Road... near to where an explosion occured... Tried to call her... FUCKING MOBIL SHITE!

Pft... Been a boring day... Was going to meet Lucy... But that didn't happen... Damn mother of mine screwing uop my plans and making me get so confused... grrrrrrrrr!


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